Deciding to follow Jesus opens our eyes to a whole new way of living!

Much of this new journey is going to be incredibly different to how we’re used to living! We’ve all been there and we know you might have a lot of unanswered questions about what it means to be Christian and how to follow Jesus. 

As such we have answered a few of the most common questions about faith in very simple terms below!


In it’s simplest terms, prayer is to have a conversation with God! 

Throughout scripture, God invites us to speak to Him and promises that He will speak to us personally as well. God is personal and wants to be known personally. When in prayer, we can move beyond knowing about God and can cultivate a relationship in which we personally know God. As we pray, we orientate our life under His Lordship, we invite Him to be at work in our life, we find peace in His presence and receive faith for our future. 

Have you taken time to speak with God today?

Sin is to live in rebellion against God!

Scripture says that all have sinned (Romans 3:23), we’re born into sin (Psalms 51:5) and choose to live life our own way, not the life He created us for! This is shown in our attitudes, actions and beliefs and impacts every area of our life. As a result of sin we are dead both spiritually and are perishing in the natural (Romans 6:23). 

Ultimately, it’s this rebellious nature that’s separated us from God (Romans 8:8, 1 John 3:4).

We all live by faith, but most of us live by natural faith.  

By default, we believe what we see or have experienced, for example: “The chair is strong enough to support my weight or the light will turn on when I flick the switch.” As Christians however, we live a life of spiritual faith, believing that God is who He said He is, and will do what He said He will do. What God says is true (Spirit) will transform the world around me (Natural)!

Temptation can present itself in many different forms – but most often it appeals to our desires for pleasure, status and control (1 John 2:15-17).  We can be tempted physically, social and spiritually to live in a way that is contrary to God’s will for our life. Scripture promise in Christ we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:31-39) and that no temptation can overcome us but can stand firm on the word of God.  

Three simple things we can do that will help us to stand firm through temptation are to:

  1. Were possible, avoid situations we know will lead to temptation. This can be habits, activities or at times even people from our past that would call us back into old ways (Proverbs 4:14-15).
  2. Meditate on God’s promises. We don’t stand in our own strength, but on God’s promises. Hold on to these promises, remind yourself of them regularly, and invite God to make them real in your life (2 Corinthians 1:20).
  3. Invite others to help you. We don’t stand alone, but walk together in faith. The Bible says that we find healing and wholeness as we confess our sins and struggles to one another and pray together (James 5:16).

Forgiveness is essential in the Christian faith and central to our new identity in Christ!  

We’re forgiven, and so we will forgive (Matthew 18:21-35). Jesus instructs his followers to forgive one another (Matthew 6:14) and even to forgive our enemies, which is counter to human nature (Luke 6:27-28). Forgiveness brings reconciliation and the right relationship between people and restores peace within your heart (Hebrews 12:15).

God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are the three distinct persons that make up the one eternal being we often simply call God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all completely equal in nature and united in purpose, which is expressed uniquely as they relate to one another. 

We call this three person nature the Trinity.

The Bible shows us that Jesus is God and has always been with God (John 1:1, John 10:30). He put aside His divine nature and became God in human form (Philippians 2:7) so that he could redeem mankind from our sin. He now resides at the right hand of the Father (Hebrews 1:3) and will one day return to rule over all creation!

The Bible is a collection of 66 unique books, written across more than 1,500 years by many different authors. Beyond this, the Bible is the inspired word of God!

God worked through human authors to create a consistent and congruent narrative that reveals Himself to us – showing us His nature and character. It contains the narrative of mankind’s creation, fall and restoration, without any error or contradiction. 

The Bible is our primary source of truth and knowledge of God and how we are to relate to Him.

All other religions show the ways and works that people must do in an attempt to make themselves right before God. They lay out many different paths that would achieve the same outcome.  

Christianity stands apart from them all.  

It says that no one can earn their way to Heaven, yet we’re assured of our salvation through the work that Jesus has already done for us. While we were still sinners, Christ gave his life for us, so that anyone who gave their life to Him could freely receive forgiveness. (Ephesians 2:8-9) Jesus is the only way we can be made right with God (John 14:6). We cannot earn our salvation, but in Jesus it is freely given.

Yes, He certainly does. 

There are multiple verses in scripture that mention healing of the sick through prayer, confession of sin, the laying on of hands and the anointing of oil (John 14:14, James 5:14-16). The Bible promises that we are healed and this healing was won by Jesus when he died on the cross (Isaiah 53:5). Healing requires faith and demonstrates the love and power of God. Healing often leads to the preaching of the word and always gives glory to the Father.

Simply put, yes. 

Jesus spoke about Heaven and Hell in the gospels, as does the balance of scripture (John 14:1-4, Philippians 3:20).+  It is not a reward or punishment based upon what we have done, good or bad, but the natural result of our relationship and submission to God.  Those that chose to live in rebellion against him, until they ultimately find themselves eternal apart from Him (Hell) (Matthew 7:23).  Those who chose to repent and receive forgiveness find themselves in a life that continues to draw close to Him, with the promise that we would be with Him for all eternity (Heaven) (John 3:36).

Communion instituted first by Jesus the night before He was crucified. 

While sharing the Passover meal with the disciples, He taught that the bread was a picture of His body that would be broken for them and that the wine was a picture of His blood poured out for them. He said that as often as they share in bread and wine, they should do so in remembrance of Him.  

Today, we still continue to share communion together with other believers. We remember that Christ’s life was given so that we no longer need to die for our sin.  We remember that we are all united together in His body. We also remember His victory on the cross in our inheritance and our future and that one day we will share in this meal with Him in our own resurrected life.

The word “Tithe” simply  means 10%, and speaks of the first ten percent of all our increase or provision (Proverbs 3:9-10). Tithing is a response to the blessing and favour of God, acknowledging that He is the one who provides all that we have and need (Deuteronomy 8:17-18). The tithe was traditionally brought into the Storehouse, which is today’s local church, and was used to provide for the ministry within the Lord’s house. When we bring our tithe into the Lord’s house, we acknowledge and honour His provision for our life, and we resource the ministries of the Church that His Kingdom would advance.

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